Enfoque geográfico de
- "When Women’s Work Disappears: Marriage and Fertility Decisions in Peru Documentos de trabajo
- Agricultural Productivity, Structural Change, and Economic Growth in Post-Reform China Artículo
- Ajuste estructural y desarrollo humano: Opciones de política y experiencias internacionales Documentos de trabajo
- An Empirical Model of International and Domestic Food Inflation Documentos de trabajo
- Antinomias del capitalismo: Una reseña sobre el malestar en la globalización de Joseph Stiglitz [Contradictions of Capitalism: A Review for Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz] Documentos de trabajo
- Argumentación y guerras civiles [Argumentation and Civil Wars] Documentos de trabajo
- Blessing or burden? Impacts of refugees on businesses and the informal economy Artículo
- Breaking Away from Icebreakers: The Effect of Melting Distances on Trade and Welfare Documentos de trabajo
- COVID-19 Learning loss and recovery: Panel data evidence from India Documentos de trabajo
- Choosing Sides in the Trilemma: International Financial Cycles and Structural Change in Developing Economies Documentos de trabajo
- Collective Versus Individual Decision-Making: A Case Study of the Bank of Israel Law Artículo
- College Expansion and the Marginal Returns to Education: Evidence from Russia Documentos de trabajo
- Colombia and East Asia Trade Relations and Future Prospects: An Analysis Using a CGE Model Documentos de trabajo
- Comparaciones entre la política educativa en Asia y América Latina Artículo
- Contracts, firm dynamics, and aggregate productivity Artículo
- Costs, Revenue, Service Attributes and Competition in Shipping Artículo
- Covid-19 Learning Loss And Recovery: Panel Data Evidence From India Documentos de trabajo
- Covid-19 Learning Loss And Recovery: Panel Data Evidence From India Documentos de trabajo
- Credit Funding and Banking Fragility: An Empirical Analysis for Emerging Economies Documentos de trabajo
- Delivering Education to the Underserved through a Public-Private Partnership Program in Pakistan Artículo
- Detecting Contagion in Asian Exchange Rate Markets Using Asymmetric DCC-GARCH and R-vine Copulas Artículo
- Detecting Exchange Rate Contagion Using Copula Functions Documentos de trabajo
- Detecting Exchange Rate Contagion in Asian Exchange Rate Markets using Asymmetric DDC-GARCH and R-Vine Copulas Documentos de trabajo
- Determinantes de la productividad multifactorial: Los casos de las principales economías latinoamericanas y emergentes de Asia (1960 - 2015) Documentos de trabajo
- Determinants of Total Factor Productivity: The Cases of the Main Latin American and Emerging Economies of Asia (1960 - 2015) Documentos de trabajo
- Determinants of commodity prices Artículo
- Devolution and Accountability Effects in the Public Provision of Water Services in Indonesia Documentos de trabajo
- Distortionary Taxation and Labor Supply Artículo
- Diversification, Economies of Scope and Exports Growth of Chinese Firms Documentos de trabajo
- Diversification, economies of scope, and exports growth of Chinese firms Documentos de trabajo
- Do Inflation-Targeting Central Banks Implicitly Target the Price Level? Documentos de trabajo
- Early Childhood Intervention for the Poor: Long Term Outcomes Documentos de trabajo
- Economic Impacts of Soybean Rust on the US Soybean Sector Documentos de trabajo
- Education, Birth Order And Family Size [Family Size And Children’s Education In Vietnam Artículo
- Educational Expenditure Efficiency in China: The Role of The Governor’s Characteristics Artículo
- El futuro de la guerra irregular Artículo
- Experiments in Environment and Development Artículo
- Family and Politics: Dynastic Persistence in the Philippines Artículo
- Family, Schools, or Culture: What Explains Differences in U.S. Student Achievement Across Ethnic Groups on PISA 2012? Documentos de trabajo
- Favoring Your In-Group Can Harm Both Them and You: Ethnicity and Public Goods Provision in China Documentos de trabajo
- Favoring Your In-Group Can Harm Both Them and You: Ethnicity and Public Goods Provision in China Documentos de trabajo
- Favoring your in-group can harm both them and you: Ethnicity and public goods provision in China Artículo
- Field Experiments on Irrigation Dilemmas Artículo
- Flujos de capital, la crisis financiera internacional y los desbalances macroeconómicos Documentos de trabajo
- Fragility of the Provision of Local Public Goods to Private and Collective Risks Artículo
- Friend or Foe?: Foreign Investors and the Liquidity of Six Asian Markets Documentos de trabajo
- Gender Earnings Gaps in the World Documentos de trabajo
- Generación y flujo del ahorro y la inversión: análisis de la coyuntura internacional Artículo
- Global Spillovers of a China Hard Landing Documentos de trabajo
- Global Spillovers of a Chinese Growth Slowdown Artículo
- Growth and Stagnation: The Case of the Japanese Economy (1981-2009) Documentos de trabajo
- Hacia una visión holística de la distancia en los negocios internacionales: el caso colombiano || Towards Holistic Version of Distance in International Business: The Colombian Case Artículo
- Heterodox Inflation Stabilization in Argentina, Brazil, and Israel. A Historical Review and Some Stylized Facts Documentos de trabajo
- Import Competition and Gender Differences in Labor Reallocation Documentos de trabajo
- Import Competition and Gender Differences in Labor Reallocation Documentos de trabajo
- Import competition and gender differences in labor reallocation Artículo
- Inflation Targeting, Sudden Stops and the Cost of Fear of Floating Documentos de trabajo
- Innovation and Development: The Evidence from Innovation Surveys Documentos de trabajo
- Institutionality Around the Carbon Markets and the Mechanisms Established by the Kyoto Protocol Documentos de trabajo
- Is a refugee crisis a housing crisis? Only if housing supply is unresponsive Artículo
- L'ouverture des canaux de Suez et de Panama et l'énigme de la distance Artículo
- La economía y la economía política del atraso y del desatraso: notas sobre la Estrategia del desarrollo económico de Hirschman Artículo
- Les nouvelles routes polaires changeront peu la géographie du commerce mondial Artículo
- Long-Run Economic Growth: Modeling Exercise for Emerging Markets Documentos de trabajo
- Long‐term impacts of primary school scholarships: Evidence from Cambodia Artículo
- Lógicas de argumentación e instituciones internacionales [Logic of Argumentation and International Institutions] Documentos de trabajo
- Making Index Insurance Attractive to Farmers Artículo
- Modelling the Behaviour of the Spot Prices of Various Types of Coffee Documentos de trabajo
- Multivariate dynamics between emerging markets and digital asset markets: An application of the SNP-DCC model Artículo
- Nation Building Through Foreign Intervention: Evidence from Discontinuities in Military Strategies Documentos de trabajo
- Policy and misallocation: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data Artículo
- Political Dynasties, Term Limits and Female Political Empowerment: Evidence from the Philippines Documentos de trabajo
- Political dynasties, term limits and female political representation: Evidence from the Philippines Artículo
- Politician Family Networks and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from the Philippines Artículo
- Política monetaria y cambiaria y estabilidad del tipo de cambio en algunos países emergentes: Hungría, Chile, China, Perú y Brasil Documentos de trabajo
- Public Disclosure of Industrial Pollution: The PROPER Approach for Indonesia? Documentos de trabajo
- Public Disclosure of Industrial Pollution: the Proper Approach for Indonesia? Artículo
- Real Interest Parity: A note on Asian Countries Using Panel Stationarity Tests Documentos de trabajo
- Regulación de la cuenta de capitales y regulación prudencial anticíclica en los países en desarrollo Artículo
- Riesgo moral y contratos: Cierta evidencia experimental Documentos de trabajo
- Riesgo moral y contratos: cierta evidencia experimental Artículo
- Sanitation and Child Health in India Documentos de trabajo
- Sanitation and Marriage Markets in India: Evidence from the Total Sanitation Campaign Documentos de trabajo
- Sanitation and marriage markets in India: Evidence from the Total Sanitation Campaign Artículo
- Should Latin America Fear China? Documentos de trabajo
- Smooth Transition Vector Error Correction Models for the Spot Prices of Coffee Artículo
- Social Network Structures and the Politics of Public Goods Provision: Evidence from the Philippines Artículo
- Some Implications of the Zero Lower Bound on Interest Rates for the Term Structure and Monetary Policy Documentos de trabajo
- The Determinants of UN Interventions. Are There Regional Preferences? Documentos de trabajo
- The Development Implications of External Integration in Latin America Documentos de trabajo
- The Dry Port Concept – Theory and Practice Artículo
- The Effects of Learning and Signaling on Money Demand: With an Application to Heterodox Inflation Stabilization Programs Artículo
- The Evolution of World Trade from 1995 to 2014: A Network Approach Artículo
- The Evolution of World Trade from 1995 to 2014: A Network Approach Documentos de trabajo
- The Evolution of World Trade from 1995 to 2014: A Network Approach Documentos de trabajo
- The Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure When Interest Rates are Close to Zero Artículo
- The Historical State, Local Collective Action, and Economic Development in Vietnam Artículo
- The Historical State, Local Collective Action, and Economic Development in Vietnam Documentos de trabajo
- The Links Between Catastrophic Health Expenditures And Multidimensional Poverty: An Instrumental Variable Analysis In India Documentos de trabajo
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates, the Expectations Hypothesis and International Financial Integration: Evidence from Asian Economies Documentos de trabajo
- Trade Shocks and Developing Countries (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999): Paul Collier, Jan Willem Gunning and Associates. Volume 2: Asia and Latin America, pp. ix+360. ISBN 0-19-829463-8 Artículo
- Trade between Colombia and East Asia: An Analysis Using a CGE Model Artículo
- Using Macroeconomic Frameworks to Analyze the Impact of COVID-19: An Application to Colombia and Cambodia Documentos de trabajo
- What Kinds of Firms Are More Sensitive to Public Disclosure Programs for Pollution Control? The Case of Indonesia’s PROPER Program Documentos de trabajo
- What Progress on International Financial Reform? Why So Limited? Documentos de trabajo
- When Multiple Objectives Meet Multiple Instruments: Identifying Simultaneous Monetary Shocks Documentos de trabajo
- When Women's Work Disappears: Marriage and Fertility Decisions in Peru Documentos de trabajo
- When Women’s Work Disappears: Marriage and Fertility Decisions in Peru Artículo
- Which Firms are More Sensitive to Public Disclosure Schemes for Pollution Control? Evidence from Indonesia’s PROPER Program Artículo
- ¿Debe América Latina temerle a la China? Documentos de trabajo
- ¿Debe la América Latina temerle a China? Artículo