publicaciones seleccionadas
- Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 2024
- The Human Capital Peace Dividend 2023
- The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 2023
- Selective Civilian Targeting: The Unintended Consequences of Partial Peace 2022
- Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities 2021
- Measuring the size and growth of cities using nighttime light 2021
- Brothers or Invaders? How Crisis-Driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior 2021
- Self-Selection Into Corruption: Evidence from The Lab 2021
- The Real Winner's Curse 2021
- The Perils of High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Colombia's False Positives 2020
- End of Conflict Deforestation: Evidence from Colombia’s Peace Agreement 2020
- Inequality, Crime, and the Long Run Legacy of Slavery 2019
- Beyond Divide and Rule: Weak Dictators, Natural Resources and Civil Conflict 2018
- Colombia: Democracy, Violence, and the Peacebuilding Challenge 2018
- Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia 2018
- Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from the Field 2017
- Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Crash of Ponzi Schemes 2016
- The Need for Enemies 2016
- El lado oscuro de la equidad: violencia y equidad en el desempeño escolar 2015
- True Believers, Deserters, and Traitors 2015
- Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? 2014
- Conflict, Crime, and Violence in Colombia 2014
- The Dark Side of Equity: Violence and Equity in School Performance [El lado oscuro de la equidad: Violencia y equidad en el desempeño escolar] 2014
- Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 2013
- Colombia: Introduction to a Special Issue of Defence and Peace Economics 2012
- Fetal Outcomes in Pregnancies Complicated by Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy in a Northern California Cohort 2012
- Seguridad democrática, presencia de la policía y conflicto en Colombia 2012
- Sovereign Risk and Armed Conflict: an Event-study for Colombia 2012
- The Democratic Security Policy, Police Presence and Conflict in Colombia [Seguridad democrática, presencia de la policía y conflicto en Colombia] 2012
- The Persistent Colombian Conflict: Subnational Analysis of the Duration of Violence 2012
- Combatant Recruitment and the Outcome of War 2011
- Rebellion, Repression and Welfare 2011
- Violence and Growth in Colombia: A Review of the Quantitative Literature 2011
- Special Data Feature; The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Datasets Versus New Micro-Data 2006
- The Dynamics of the Columbian Civil Conflict: A New Dataset 2004
- Dolarizar, flotar, callar 2003
- Colombia: Democratic but Violent?. 285-316. 2023
- The changing nature of economics of crime. 1-11. 2022
- Unbundling the relationship between economic shocks and crime. 184-204. 2022
documento de trabajo
- Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 2024
- Fear to Vote Explosions, Salience, and Elections 2023
- Fear to Vote: Explosions, Salience, and Elections 2023
- A Peace Baby Boom? Evidence from Colombia’s Peace Agreement 2022
- Do explosions shape voting behavior? 2022
- How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia 2022
- How peace saves lives: evidence from Colombia 2022
- Landmines: the Local Effects of Demining 2022
- Landmines: the Local Effects of Demining 2022
- Predicting Politicians Misconduct: Evidence From Colombia 2022
- Predicting Politicians' Misconduct: Evidence from Colombia 2022
- Colombia: Democratic but Violent 2022
- Colombia: Democratic but Violent 2022
- Colombia: Democratic but violent 2022
- How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia 2022
- Peaceful Entry: Entrepreneurship Dynamics During Colombia s Peace Agreement 2022
- Peaceful Entry: Entrepreneurship Dynamics During Colombia s Peace Agreement 2022
- Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities 2021
- Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 2021
- Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 2021
- Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 2021
- Landmines: The local effects of demining 2021
- Landmines: the local effects of demining 2021
- How Peace Saves Lives? Evidence from Colombia 2021
- Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 2021
- Unbundling the Relationship Between Economic Shocks and Crime 2021
- Corruption in the Times of Pandemia 2020
- The Human Capital Peace Dividend 2020
- The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with FARC 2020
- The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 2020
- The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 2020
- The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 2020
- The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 2020
- The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 2020
- The perils of misusing remote sensing data The case of forest cover 2020
- Corruption in the Times of Pandemia 2020
- Corruption in the Times of Pandemia 2020
- Corruption in the times of pandemia 2020
- More Roads, more Conflict? The Effect of Rural Roads on Armed Conflict and Illegal Economies in Colombia 2020
- Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 2020
- Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 2020
- Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 2020
- The Perils of Misusing Remote Sensing Data: The Case of Forest Cover 2020
- The Perils of Misusing Remote Sensing Data: The Case of Forest Cover 2020
- The Perils of Misusing Remote Sensing Data: The Case of Forest Cover 2020
- The Perils of Misusing Remote Sensing Data: The Case of Forest Cover 2020
- The Human Capital Peace Dividend 2019-07
- The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 2019
- The human Capital Peace Dividend 2019
- End-of-Conflict Deforestation: Evidence from Colombian’s Peace Agreement 2018-12
- Killing Social Leaders for Territorial Control: The Unintended Consequences of Peace 2018-12
- Brothers or Invaders? How Crisis Driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior 2018-10
- Measuring the Size and Growth of Cities Using Nighttime Light 2018
- Inequality, Crime, and the Long-Run Legacy of Slavery 2017-04
- The Long Shadow of the Past: Political Economy of Regional Inequality in Colombia 2017-03
- The Real Winner's Curse 2017-01
- The Perils of High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Colombia's False Positives 2016-09
- Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Crash of Ponzi Schemes 2016-03
- Does the unemployment benefit institution affect the productivity of workers? : Evidence from the field 2016
- Rural Property Tax Revenue in the Face of Economic Concentration and Political Competition: Evidence from Colombia 2016
- The Environmental Impact of Civil Conflict: The Deforestation Effect of Paramilitary Expansion in Colombia 2014-09
- El lado oscuro de la equidad: violencia y equidad en el desempeño escolar 2014-04
- The Crime Kuznets Curve 2014-04
- Hitos del conflicto y riesgo país 2014-01
- Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia 2014
- Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? 2013-12
- The Environmental Impact of Civil Conflict the Deforestation Effect of Paramilitary Expansion in Colombia 2013-12
- Don't Make War, Make Elections: Franchise Extension and Violence in XIXth Century Colombia 2013-03
- Sunlight Disinfects?: Free Media in Weak Democracies 2013-02
- Does the Unemployement Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from a Field Experiment 2013
- Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution affect the Productivity of Workers?: Evidence from a Field Experiment 2013
- Don't Make War, Make Elections. Franchise Extension and Violence in XIXth-Century Colombia 2013
- Sunlight Disinfects? Free Media in Weak Democracies 2013
- The Politics of Resource Booms 2012-11
- Inequidad regional en Colombia 2012-10
- The Need for Enemies 2012-08
- Learning How (Not) to Fire a Gun: Combatant Training and Civilian Victimization 2011-12
- The Cost of Fear: Learning How (Not) to Fire a Gun: Combatant Training and Civilian Victimization 2011-12
- Seguridad democrática, presencia de la policía y conflicto en Colombia 2011-11
- Beyond Divide and Rule: Weak Dictators, Natural Resources and Civil Conflict 2011-08
- Violence and Growth in Colombia: A Review of the Quantitative Literature 2011-07
- Sovereign Risk and Armed Conflict: An Event-study for Colombia 2011-01
- The Persistent Colombian Conflict Bubnational: Analysis of the Duration of Violence 2011-01
- Empowering IDPs with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogota 2010-12
- Empowering IDP with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogotá 2010-07
- Rebellion, Repression and Welfare 2010-03
- Military Empowerment and Civilian Targeting in Civil War 2009-02
- Combatant Recruitment and the Outcome of War 2008-09
- The Work of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch: Evidence from Colombia 2007-02
- Are All Resources Cursed? Coffee, Oil and Armed Conflict in Colombia 2006-12
- Resource Curse in Reverse: The Coffee Crisis and Armed Conflict in Colombia 2006-12
- The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Dataset versus New Micro Data 2004-08
- The Dynamics of the Colombian Civil Conflict: A New Data Set 2003-11
- A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime 2022
- Crescimento urbano e acesso a oportunidades: Um desafio para a América Latina (resumo executivo) 2017
- RED 2016. More Skills for Work and Life: The contributions of Families, Schools, Jobs, and the Social Environment 2017
- RED 2017. Crecimiento urbano y acceso a oportunidades: Un desafío para América Latina 2017
- RED 2017. Urban Growth and Access to Opportunities: A Challenge for Latin America 2017
- RED 2016. Más habilidades para el trabajo y la vida: Los aportes de la familia, la escuela, el entorno y el mundo laboral 2016
- RED 2019: Integridad en las políticas públicas. Claves para prevenir la corrupción